The Cake Pound’s mission is to tantalize your senses with warm aromatic aromas and delectable tastes through its artesian pound cakes. All of our creations are made with the best available ingredients. We use only premium chocolates, pure natural extracts and spices, as well as, the choicest seasonal fruits, nuts and herbs.
Picture this, an eight year old only child hearing these magical words from her beloved mom’s lips, “Whoever cooks dinner doesn’t have to wash the dinner dishes!” With those words started my lifelong love of cooking and baking.
After successful careers in program development, business planning and as an insurance/trust fund consultant; then “by the Grace of GOD” surviving a brain aneurysm I came back to my first love “baking.” In 1996 my cousin and I began Mariposa, Fine Cakes and Desserts. We created and developed elaborate, fantastic and the most amazing deserts, wedding cakes, pies and cookies. In 2006, life intervened, we suspended operation with the birth of my cousin’s first child. It has taken 10 years since I have offered my confections and cakes to the public.
As a recent transplant to Jersey City, eating out a lot and being left wanting in the dessert menus, I realized there may be a market for my pound cakes. Since 2014 I have been developing the idea and testing it out, so in May of 2016 I committed to sharing my gift through “The Cake Pound!” It is my hope that you will take this journey with me and begin to enjoy some of the most delectable and interesting tastes in pound cakes and other delights.